TAG Welcomes Michelle Potenberg

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Michelle Potenberg is a new member of the TAG family! Her focus will be assisting the Property Manager for commercial and industrial properties belonging to TAG.

TAG Welcomes Sam Hendon

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On May 3, Sam Hendon started at TAG as Project Manager with our Commercial/Industrial Division. Sam’s focus will be on managing the commercial and industrial division projects. Along with his wife Sammie, Sam has two children, Natalie and Jonathan. Jonathan arrived shortly after Sam joined our team! Welcome Sam and family!

Carolyn Harden

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It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Carolyn Harden. Carolyn had been a beloved member of the TAG family since 2007. All who knew and worked with Carolyn appreciated her quick wit and attention to detail. Carolyn left us all too soon last week. Please pray for her family … Continue reading “Carolyn Harden”

A Restructuring of TAG

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A restructuring of TAG is forthcoming to ensure growth and stability. The company’s commitment to the community, residents, and tenants will remain a core value.

Sunfowers at Stone Creek

Sunflowers at Stone Creek

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If you’ve paid a visit to the area surrounding the future Atkins Golf Club at the University of Illinois recently, you may have noticed the massive field of sunflowers that has taken over the west side of the course.