Sale of The Pines at Stone Creek Commons
Posted onFairlawn Capital, based in Champaign and Chicago, has finalized the purchase of The Pines at Stone Creek Commons from The Atkins Group, a longstanding real estate developer based in Urbana.
Fairlawn Capital, based in Champaign and Chicago, has finalized the purchase of The Pines at Stone Creek Commons from The Atkins Group, a longstanding real estate developer based in Urbana.
The Atkins Group is proud to welcome a new member to their team. Sophia Hortin was hired on January 4th as the first intern for Clearview Farm.
The Atkins Group “TAG” is happy to welcome two new staff members to their team. On January 6, Jared Ernst started his new role as Project Manager with our Commercial/Industrial Division. As Project Manager, Ernst will be responsible for overall project planning, scheduling, management, and close out of a wide range of development, remodeling, maintenance, … Continue reading “The Atkins Group Welcomes Jared Ernst To The Team”
Local company Clarkson Soy Products is a finalist for the “Innovation: Economic Devlopement Impact Award” in this year’s Innovation Celebration.
Urbana Mayor Diane Marlin has proclaimed February 25th to be Jane Anderson And Milo’s Restaurant Day in the City of Urbana
Gina Johnson at blueprint has recently published a new book called “Let’s Make It A Habit” — a guide to train your brain to navigate negativity.
Governor Bruce Rauner will be holding a business roundtable later this week Champaign/Urbana.
Duce Construction will be doing a manhole adjustment and will close the westbound right turn lane on East Windsor Road at the intersection of Windsor and Boulder Drive starting on Monday, February 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. through Friday, March 3, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Congratulations to Jim Goss on his appointment to represent Champaign County Board District One!
Located in Rantoul since 1979, the Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education offices will be moving to Champaign.